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Friday, December 30, 2016

The First of the Firsts

My first Solo trip was actually the day after Christmas.  2016.  And worth posting as my first post, because it was the reason this blog even became an idea.

I'm currently in California, where I've been since December 9th, where I'll be until January 7th when I head home to Salt Lake City, Utah.  A month away from everything and everyone I know.  A true first.
I left Utah and headed to Sacramento on the 9th, where I met up with a friend and drove to Death Valley to camp for a week. That was definitely a first time vacation location, but it wasn't a solo trip, so I'm not going to start my blog there - despite how awesome it is (I highly recommend the Salinas Hot Springs!)
Hot Springs in Death Valley

While in Death Valley, I found out my work booked me on a flight to Boston the day after we planned on coming back. So that was a surprise! Unfortunately I wasn't the one who booked the trip, so I couldn't add time to see anything, but I did get a great wing tip sunset on my way there!
Sunset on the way to Boston

But since nothing of note happened, and work trips happen often, I can't start there either.
Boston was a whirlwind of two days driving, sleeping, meetings, and back to the airport where I flew back to Sacramento.  Then, hopped in my car the next day to drive down to another friend in Sunnyvale, where I would be helping with dog-sitting jobs over the next few weeks.  What better way to make money and go on vacation at the same time?!  All the dog sitting jobs are over-nighters, so there is no hotel cost.... and spending time with dogs? Yes please! It's been an interesting few weeks sleeping in multiple places all over California- for free. And to sweeten the pot even more...since I work remotely, I don't have to take PTO either! Just take my laptop and MiFi hotspot everywhere with me, and I'm good to go! Dog sitting is certainly an easy side-job.

I digress.... so, the same friend from Sacramento suggested I take a drive up to Point Reyes. After spending Christmas day sick in bed with a cold, I couldn't miss out on taking the drive the day after Christmas when I had no work to distract me. So, I jumped in my car and got on the highway. Drove through San Francisco and over the Golden Gate Bridge, where I took one slight, and sporadic, detour through Sausalito to see the sail boats.  Didn't get a great picture, though it was a nice little town I could tell I wouldn't mind spending a little more time exploring.  But, I had an agenda and I knew I needed time.
Crossing the Golden Gate Bridge

Hopped onto the Pacific Highway 1, and started my awe-inspiring coastal drive North. I'm positive my car was designed for that stretch of road!  (I'm in a little Honda CRZ sport hybrid)

First stop was Muir Woods.  Beautiful!!  Again, I didn't get a great picture - but found a couple of little trails I decided to walk along for a short bit to take in the scenery.
Next Stop - Muir Beach.  There was a decent amount of people there, so I didn't stay too long - but long enough to appreciate how beautiful the beach and view is.

Muir Beach

I kept going up the highway, and took another small detour to see the Point Reyes Shipwreck in Inverness. (Another amazing little town I'd love to visit again with more time).  There was an elderly man taking pictures... and as I walked up, he was scraping all the mud off his boots. He was kind to let me know it was sticky mud if I get too close.  Being my shoes weren't exactly great for mud, I kept my distance.  But boy did I want to touch that ship. Even though it's not incredibly old, it's the exact type of history I love... beaten up and dragged over rocks... where it stands resolutely. A ghost of the past.

Inverness - Point Reyes Shipwreck

Back on the road, I finally made it to Point Reyes, where I decided to continue on to the lighthouse.  Go figure, being not only a Monday (one of the few days it's open to the public), but it was also the day after Christmas...there were a TON of people.  I had to park just over a mile away, and walk along the road before starting the hike to the top of the stairs, and THEN hike down to the lighthouse.  I say stairs and you think "oh, a nice little hippity hop". No. These were 308 stairs of death.
I have horrible knees, and just walking up the 8 stairs in my house causes them to creak and groan... and my brother says it sounds like wet sand grinding in my joint.... and he's not wrong.  It feels like it too.  But anyway - stairs and knees don't mix.  So, I did it anyway!  And I'm so glad I did!  The hike down was obviously simple enough, but the site was spectacular! Unfortunately the wait to get into the lighthouse was a bit longer than I had time for, so I settled for some outside pictures, and started the daunting and terrible hike back up the stairs to the top... before walking another mile + to my car.  I can't begin to tell you how proud I was of myself!  For those of you who don't know me - before I was single, I would have made an excuse and not gone.... out of fear of embarrassment or rejection because I couldn't keep up, or fear of my legs going out from the pain (yes, it happens).  Feeling like I wasn't worthy.  But I rocked those stairs, and I made that climb... and I didn't even use the 'breakout' spots to stop along the way.  So yes - I'm proud.
Stairway of Death... I mean.. the path to the Point Reyes Lighthouse

Point Reyes Lighthouse

I checked the clock when I got to my car, and I was right on time! It was just before 4pm, and my goal was to make it to Stinson Beach for sunset.  I made it just in time to scarf down an expensive hotdog from the lifeguard tower - and sit and watch.  It definitely did not disappoint.
Sitting there on the beach, alone, with the sun going down.... at first I started to think I wanted to be sharing this experience with someone.  There were moments on the drive where I had caught myself laughing - and even crying... and only having myself to share the moment with.  Which was fine.  It's something I've never done, and therefore don't know how to even react.  So I enjoyed it. And by the time I had made the entire drive, and was sitting on that beach... I had a sense of freedom and joy I've never known. The intense thoughts in my head calmed down as I watched the waves breaking on the shore, and the spray making misty rainbows in the setting sun.
For the first time in my life, I was truly and utterly alone.... and I was happy.
Stinson Beach Sunset

My next trip will be on New Years Day.  In the meantime - I'll enjoy the warmth I've got left in California before heading back to the freezing temps in Utah!!

Pool side

Map My Trip:

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